Category Archives: Uncategorized

An Update on Catholic Cemeteries

Cardinal Tobin and the Archdiocesan leadership team continue to monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation and to aggregate guiding information from federal, state and local officials. Based on the latest information shared publicly, there are updated directives issued on May 4th regarding Catholic Cemeteries,  approved by Cardinal Tobin for the Archdiocese of Newark.

Email List Update

In an effort to keep everyone up-to-date, we are sending out updates once or twice a week. We are asking our parishioners to submit their email address for regular updates on parish activities, especially important at this time.

To participate, send an email to: and include your first and last name in the body of the message. The subject line can just be Email List.

Stay safe!

Supporting St. Mary’s

We know that regular expenses continue in your family, as they do in your parish family. We appreciate your consideration and whatever help you can offer as you continue to support St. Mary’s.

There are a number of ways you can support the parish . . .

We appreciate your support and will continue to keep you in our prayers.