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What’s happening . . .

25th Anniversary of Cornerstone
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Men’s and Women’s Cornerstone at St. Mary’s! We will be having a reunion on Sunday, March 24, 2019 at the Fiesta in Wood-Ridge. Invitations have been sent out by mail, but you can spread the word to those who may have moved. For information, please contact Anne Marie Bishopp at 201-501-8474 or Gary Barba at 201-385-8735. The deadline for reservation forms has been extended to February 17th.

The 2020 Mass book is now open. Stop by the parish office to reserve masses for your loved ones!

Upcoming Events . . .

25th Anniversary of Cornerstone
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Men’s and Women’s Cornerstone at St. Mary’s! We will be having a reunion on Sunday, March 24, 2019 at the Fiesta in Wood-Ridge. Invitations have been sent out by mail, but you can spread the word to those who may have moved. For information, please contact Anne Marie Bishopp at 201-501-8474 or Gary Barba at 201-385-8735. The deadline for reservation forms is February 10th.

The 2020 Mass book is now open. Stop by the parish office to reserve masses for your loved ones!

On Friday February 1st, we will have Eucharistic Adoration following the 8:45AM Mass in the lower church. Reposition begins at 7PM.  Please join us and spend some time with Jesus.

Upcoming Events

2020 Mass Book
The Mass book for 2020 will open beginning on Wednesday, January 16th, at 9:00 AM. Please note that only 5 Masses will be available to each person requesting Masses for 2020: one Sunday, one Holyday and three weekdays. This will ensure that all parishioners have equal opportunity for Masses for family and loved ones.


Right to Life March
The annual Right to Life March in Washington DC will be on Friday January 18th this year. The Knights of Columbus (St. John’s Council) is sponsoring buses to transport parishioners to the march. Reservations are required – contact Matt Connell at 201-387-7187 to reserve a spot as soon as possible!


25th Anniversary of Cornerstone
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Men’s and Women’s Cornerstone at St. Mary’s! We will be having a reunion on Sunday, March 24, 2019 at the Fiesta in Wood-Ridge. Invitations have been sent out by mail, but you can spread the word to those who may have moved. For information, please contact Anne Marie Bishopp at 201-501-8474 or Gary Barba at 201-385-8735.