Category Archives: About Our Parish

Meet the Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is the lay leadership of the parish. New members of the council are nominated by parishioners and ultimately selected by the current Pastoral Council. St. Mary’s current Pastoral Council includes 12 members, similar to the original apostles:

• Barbara Barba, Chairperson

• John Soltes, Vice Chairperson

• Karen Permuy, Secretary

• Margaret Yu

• Joseph Pidi

• Emily Stevens

• Laura Labetti

• Malu Canlas

• Roberta Elwell

• Joan Connelly

• Mitch Carretas

• Felicia Arrigoitia

The Pastoral Council members are the dreamers of the parish. They advise Father Dominic Ciriaco by representing the “voice” of the parishioners. They also spearhead several projects throughout the year. This current council has helped establish monthly hospitality breakfasts after the Sunday Masses and welcomed new parishioners with holiday greeting cards. The council has organized trips to Habitat for Humanity in Bergen County and Paterson, in addition to creating a new service ministry called Helping Hands.

Other goals: improving communications at the parish with a new website, focusing efforts on social justice causes, asking questions concerning the completion of the Capital Campaign and redrafting St. Mary’s mission statement.

If you’re interested in joining the Pastoral Council, call 201-384-0557 for more information.