First Friday and Cinco de Mayo
Eucharistic Adoration
On Friday, May 4th, we will have Eucharistic adoration following the 8:45AM Mass in the upper church. Reposition begins at 7PM. Please consider spending some time with Jesus in prayer.
Cinco De Mayo
On Saturday May 5th, we will celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a Dinner Dance to benefit the elevator fund. A wonderful evening is planned to enjoy authentic Mexican food, and everyone’s favorite – baked ziti! There will be DJ music, entertainment, giveaways and prizes. BYOB. The elevator fund is a long-term investment in our future, so your support will benefit members of the parish today and for generations to come by providing unrestricted access to the upper and lower church. Tickets are only $25 per person and can be purchased in the parish office. The evening starts at 6:30PM, immediately following the Saturday 5:30 mass.