Welcoming Message from Deacon Duberley

Dear Friends,

When my Pastor, Fr. Dominic asked me to write something about myself, I immediately tried to dissuade him, but unfortunately either my escapist arguments and my bad English could not save me of doing his request, anyway, in accomplishing that request I am doing my first act of obedience as a deacon.

I just want to share with you a little bit about my vocational life.

I am Duberley Salazar; I was born in Manizales – Caldas, Colombia. I grew up in the bosom of a traditional, conservative and religious family. They inculcated special values in me such as: humility, obedience, respect, industriousness, and fidelity. I am the second oldest among my siblings.

When I was six years old, I became an altar boy in my own parish, and I used to serve Mass twice a week. I can say that was where I began to feel God’s call. When I was fourteen years old I decided to join the vocations parish youth group. This experience was very helpful for me because all the activities that we did every week encouraged me to continue my vocation discernment process.

Once I finished high school I felt two strong inclinations: I wanted to become a journalist and also I felt a strong desire to become a priest, but finally I decided to start my journalism career. However, I continue feeling God’s voice calling me to follow him and leave everything for his cause. I was very afraid to do what God was asking me to do because I sheltered within my heart very human ambitions such as becoming a very successful journalist and having my own company.

On a certain day I was praying in my home parish and God clearly spoke to me through The Holy Scripture: “what profit would there be for a one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life,” on that day God granted me the grace to see clearly what I should do, on the day, I was overcome by the Love of God. Then I left my Journalism career and applied to the seminary. Once I entered into the seminary I could say like the prophet Jeremiah says “You seduced me, Lord, and I let myself to be seduced, You were too strong for me, and you prevailed.”

I have been studying in the seminary for the last 9, almost 10 years. One might think that it is a long time, but I think one could study for his entire life to become a priest and never be worthy to receive this sublime and great gift.

On May 19, 2013 in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart I was ordained as deacon and immediately after the celebration I met with Archbishop Myers who told me that he had assigned me to St. Mary’s Parish. Finally, I want you to know how please I am to be among you.

I hope that I and you may edify mutually in our Christian faith throughout this year.

Remember you are in my prayers. By the way, I would like to invite you to feel free to come to me and ask me for prayer any time you need it.

Thank you for your warm welcome.

Deacon Duberley