Carnival Thank You!

Carnival 2013 Thank You …

This year’s Carnival was a success due to the efforts of our parishioners, who never gave up when the rains keep coming. After having a drizzly Thursday and a total rainout on Friday it seemed we would never recover. However, due to the quick thinking of our committee, and the untiring efforts of our parishioners, we had a record breaking Saturday. We opened completely at 1:00pm and closed at 5:00pm and restarted after Mass at 6:30, and it never stopped. The crowds of people keep coming and our volunteers did a fantastic job. While the children were enjoying the rides and the games, there were long lines at the food booth and inside in the auditorium. What team work, our Lord was watching over us and everything finally worked out.

This year’s Carnival Committee consisted of Fr. Dominic, Fr. Michael, Fr. Nick, Deacon Duberley, Seminarian Philip, Phil Fredericks, Brian & Dolores O’Dowd, Art Conklin, Mike Cremin, Don Winant, Maria Bernard, Rose O’Shea, Janet & Warren Kaine, Madeline Schreiber, Mike Daly, John Weiss, Angela Bochicchio, and Greg Ryan. The office staff, Dory Weiss and Coleen Rugani, and Alexandra Weiss who were so helpful, and our maintenance men: Mike Uzzi, Rich Romaine, and Jose Lopez, who were there to help every time we asked. We also had a great group of men (our basketball players) who helped in the setup and breakdown every night, led by Julius Galang and Rolly Ariola, they all did an outstanding job.

I would also like to thank everyone who shopped for us this week, as well as our security staff, the behind the scenes money room workers, who made sure all the money was properly handled and our announcer and our information/registration person. A special thank you to Tim Keating who helped me in so many different ways, and for his training helping me learn this complicated Carnival business, and to Margaret Keating who is always there for advice. I would also like to thank our musicians: the Lou Pidi Band, Dave & Margie, and Carmine Grillo, who did an outstanding job entertaining us. Domenick Panfile also volunteered, but was rained out on Friday. I know I have left out someone, but accept my sincere thanks for a job well done.

To all the fantastic parishioners who gave of their time and efforts, words cannot express my sincere thanks for a job well done, because without you help none of this would have been possible. May God Bless you all!

Thank you,
Bill Bochicchio, Carnival Chairman