Fall Food Drive

June Food Drive

Annual Appeal

From the Pastor . . . 

In January, St. Mary’s joined parishes throughout the Archdiocese for the kick off of this year’s Annual Appeal. As we all know, this appeal is an important part of the Archdiocese annual budget funding many important ministries including Catholic education, seminary education, and Catholic charities.

If you have not already made a pledge to the Appeal, you will soon receive a letter from our Archbishop Cardinal Tobin asking you to do so. I am also asking you to be part of this year’s Appeal.

As I am sure you all know each parish is assigned a goal for participation in the appeal which is based on regular collection income. As of last week, St. Mary’s has reached 86.6% of our goal. We have done so with only 152 families participating in the Appeal. This is a very small percentage of our registered families. I would hope that a greater number of our registered families would be part of the Appeal. All it takes is a one-time donation and no donation is too small.

And please realize that your participation makes a great difference for St. Mary’s. If we reach our pledge goal by the end of June, our parish assessments will be reduced next year.

I was at a meeting last week with the Vicar General of the Archdiocese where he addressed a question that often comes up with regard to the Appeal. He reiterated what Cardinal Tobin has said on numerous occasions; no funds donated to the Annual Appeal will be used in the settlements of claims associated with the abuse scandal. The Vicar General added that almost all the funds used thus far to settle any such claims have come from our insurance policies.

Pledge envelopes for the Appeal can be found at the doors of the Church and the easiest way to participate in the Appeal is to do so on-line at RCAN.org. Your participation in the Appeal makes a profound impact on so many people throughout the Archdiocese who depend on the ministries funded by the Appeal. Your participation can also makes a great impact here at St. Mary’s. I ask everyone to prayerfully consider being part of this year’s Annual Appeal.

Father Carey