Our Fall Drive-Thru Food Drive

We appreciate your past generosity during our past drives and ask you to consider picking up some items when you’re shopping over the next few weeks.

Thank you!

From Father Carey’s message this week . . .

Once again, I thank everyone who purchased meals during last week’s Drive- Through Fish & Chips/Chicken & Chips Dinner. It was a tremendous success and helped to raise much needed funds for our parish. I had my doubts that we could have such a successful event so soon after the first one but I guess we could say we killed 3 birds with one stone; a good meal, supporting our parish and not having to cook. I also wish to extend a special word of thanks to those who helped to sponsor the event. I encourage everyone to support our sponsors who are supporting us during these difficult financial times.

During these difficult times of the covid crisis, many members of our community are facing food uncertainty and so more special thanks goes to those who purchased meals for those who could not afford to do so.

Our Parish Food Pantries is helping so many in our community who are struggling with food uncertainty. We are coordinating efforts with the Dumont Food Pantry, the Office of Social Services and the local schools to offer assistance to those in need. Thank you to all those who have donated so much to our food pantry and to the volunteers who work so hard at collecting, sorting and distributing these donations. We will be hosting another Drive- Through Food Drive in the near future. Until then, any and all donations of non-perishable food can be left in Church or dropped off at the Rectory. We need to always remember our Lord’s call to help those who are most in need.

Let us do the cooking again!

Take a night off from cooking on September 23rd from 5-7PM. Place your order by September 21st and enjoy one of the best fish & chips dinners! Cooked on location by Tastefully British, you’ll enjoy either the fish or chicken strips. Simply drive through and pick up your meals. Return the form to the parish office with your check by September 21st.