Support St. Mary’s and let us do the Cooking

Take a night off from cooking on August 13th from 5-7PM. Place your order by August 10th and enjoy one of the best fish & chips dinners! Cooked on location by Tastefully British, you’ll enjoy either the fish or chicken strips. Simply drive through and pick up your meals. Return the form to the parish office with your check by August 10th.

Supporting St. Mary’s

We know that regular expenses continue in your family, as they do in your parish family. We appreciate your consideration and whatever help you can offer as you continue to support St. Mary’s.

There are a number of ways you can support the parish . . .

  • You can mail your contribution to the parish.
  • You can drop your envelopes off in the kitchen mail box at the back of the rectory or drop them in the boxes at the doors in church if you attend Sunday mass.
  • You can make a donation online, using the following link:

We appreciate your support and will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Update . . .

Updates . . .
There’s just a few hours left – by noon, to reserve a spot at one of the masses this weekend. Call the parish office at 201-384-0557 or email:

We are limited to 95 in each – upper and lower churches and reservations are required.

On Friday July 3rd, we will have a Holy Hour from 6-7PM in the upper church. The hour will end with Benediction beginning at 7PM. Again, there is a limit of 95 people with appropriate social distancing.

We will be live streaming the 10AM mass on Sunday on both Facebook and our YouTube channel: StMarysDumont

This week’s bulletin and worship aid can be found on the parish website, under Bulletin. For those attending mass this weekend, you may use your smartphone/tablet to follow along since we will not be distributing any paper worship aids.