Eucharistic Adoration

On Friday, July 6th, we will have Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:45AM Mass in the lower church. Reposition begins at 7PM. Please consider spending time with Jesus in Adoration.

Thank you!

The weather turned out to be much better than the forecasters predicted. The number of volunteers was wonderful. Everything came together to make this year’s Carnival a tremendous success. I would not be able to say this if it had not been for the hard work of the Chairman and his team who have been preparing for months and for all the volunteers who responded when we asked for help. To all of you who helped to make this year’s Carnival such a great success, I extend my most sincere thanks.

The parish Carnival is one our most important fund-raising events. But even more important is the real sense of community that the Carnival helps to create. So many different hands work together to provide a space where we can celebrate all that it means to be part of the Church of St. Mary. Thank You all for making this happen.

Father Carey

Thank you!

On Saturday June 2nd, St. Mary’s joined with the Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes for a fund raising dinner for a member of our community who is in need. Elaine Pizzute-Ashare, the daughter of late Bill
Pizzute, is dealing with serious health issues and the recent death of her husband.

For so many years, Bill Pizzute was a fixture in our parish and in our community helping so many people along the way. Believing that charity begins at home, as a community we came together to help his daughter
who is now in need.

I thank the Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes for the wonderful food and all the hard work that made the event such a success. I also thank Ed Ariola for donating his services as a DJ so that the evening was filled with wonderful music. I thank everyone else who helped to make the event a success. Mostly, I thank everyone who attended the dinner and all those were unable to attend but still made a contribution to this most worthy cause. It shows what can happen when we care for our neighbors.

Father Carey